Prescription drug abuse is an epidemic that requires more than one strategy or tactic. One Voice has been working tirelessly to reduce, and prevent medicine abuse by teens and adults since 2005 through education, community engagement and serving the community daily fighting substance use. By bringing together parents, educators, local businesses, health professionals and other concerned citizens for community projects we hope we can prevent further tragedies involving prescription drugs or over-the-counter medicines by providing a safe drug-free place where people can come for help!
By involving the community partners, we continue to show how working together to find solutions instead of just talking about the problems work. We work diligently to demonstrate strong partnerships and effective collaborations to meet critical community needs that advance the work beyond what one organization can do alone.
Over the years, our West Virginia policymakers have made huge strides to combat drug abuse and overdose, including establishing a more stringent prescription drug monitoring program, making the anti-overdose medication, Naloxone, more readily available, assisting in shutting down pill mills across the state and expanding the availability of opioids with abuse-deterrent properties.
Drug abuse requires many solutions from the national, state, and local perspectives. Increasing our arsenal of resources to include unique community-based solutions will help our volunteers, employees, businesses and our communities.
We can’t do this without the help of our local businesses and our neighbors. We must first educate our neighbors that this is a local option available now for those suffering from addiction. We must also open the lines of communication with our community to educate and inform that resources are available in their community.
One Voice has dedicated many years to rescuing, rebuilding and restoring our communities. We supervise interns from Concord University, West Virginia University, Liberty University and Lindsey Wilson College because their supervisors know we can teach the interns about substance abuse that they will never learn in textbooks or classrooms. We have trained over 2000 individuals, churches, and small groups in Life Line Training so they can conduct 12 Step small group meetings in their own communities. We have been invited to present One Voice in Ohio, New York, Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, North Carolina, and statewide in West Virginia. We have 3,527 volunteer hours for 2016 and 5,292 for 2017. We have 2,973 for 2018 and it’s just the beginning. We are a crisis referral for those needing detox, short term, long term or residential treatment. We assist those needing job skills, resumes, and even interview clothing.
One Voice currently has 5 trained Recovery Coaches and 2 Recovery Coach Professionals in house! We have been instrumental in hosting trainings for 27 Recovery Coaches across 7 counties to provide trained community outreach. We provide opportunities for those in Recovery to be participants in their communities through community involvement to reduce the stigma of addiction and to prove that recovery is possible and those in Recovery can contribute successfully if given an opportunity.
One Voice stepped up to help the community in 2005 when others were hiding substance use. There were certainly no national summits, round tables, or political platforms. We have sustained a vital pulse in the community by bringing communities together for years from prevention to aftercare!
Established in 2005, One Voice was birthed out of desperation to help young people dying from addiction in a small town where no help was available. One Voice is dedicated to rescue, rebuild and restore communities, one family, at a time. One Voice is a 501c3 Public Charity (26-2923793), effective date November 10, 2010.
We achieve this goal by creating community awareness of local and state issues that affects our children and families that are suffering from substance abuse, homelessness, or the unforeseen adversities of a tragedy. By assisting and partnering with various community groups, we work alongside each other in identifying and addressing anything that plagues our communities and keeps them from thriving.
We do this through our many outreach volunteer programs; Food for Angels, Garments of Praise, Serving on the Street Homeless Outreach, Stepping into Freedom, SAFE, and The Source 12 Step Support Groups, Workshops on Substance Abuse and Tobacco Cessation, Crisis Referral Support System, Personal Mentoring, Lifeline Training and Facilitator’s Training, and Harmony’s Breath, for families losing children due to substance use.
We partner with the FMRS’s Residential Drug Treatment programs such as the Mother’s Program and Turning Pointe for Families. We also work alongside judges and Local Community Corrections Justice Board in combating substance abuse within our adult and juvenile court system. Southern Highlands, Health Department, and the Board of Education are important community partners with One Voice.
We implemented the Farm to School program which teaches children how to grow gardens and prepare healthy meals. We tirelessly work to make positive changes in our communities through our internship program that we offer through West Virginia University, WVU Tech, University of Charleston, Concord University, Liberty University, New River Community College, and Lindsey Wilson.
One Voice firmly believes that by partnering with the individual, families, and communities and working together we will enhance those benefits to support and promote opportunities for families to overcome adversities to make decisions that will impact their lives and the community in positive ways.
Our next step will be to become a “Business Hub” for those needing second chances. We will help them build skill sets, coping skills, social skills, and become productive under our supervision creating a positive environment where success and high performance is not only expected but experienced. We will utilize community, churches, and businesses to provide learning experiences to assist them in Recovery, job skills, support, and a wellness plan for anyone choosing to recover.
Why Us?
One Voice is not a new company. We have been actively fighting substance use since 2005. One Voice is unique in that we work with those who are in active addiction seeking help to those in aftercare along with their families. Successfully, from Prevention to Aftercare, we have consistently helped families find resources, train and educate communities, and build capacity for fourteen years with little or no help. We have remained debt-free and good stewards of our donations and finances. We are already vital to our communities, across county lines and statewide! We have maintained our company with volunteers with a passion to make a difference. This is our home!
This is our family! Through the years, our vision has not changed but has continued to grow. This is our next right step in making a difference in individuals, families, and communities!